How to Play Escape Room Games at Home

When most people hear the term "escape room," they probably think of a business that provides a one-hour experience for groups of people. Within the one hour window, you and your group are trapped inside a themed room and need to figure out how to escape. In order to escape, you'll look for clues, solve puzzles, and answer riddles as a team. For example, when playing an escape room, you might see an interesting locked puzzle box. It probably opens with the right combination, but you’re not given the answer immediately. Now, the next step is to figure out what...

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Eight Reasons Why You Should Try an At-Home Escape Room Game

These days, many people have at least heard of the term "escape room," but what exactly is an at-home escape room game? Like the name suggests, it's a game that transforms the escape room experience to one that you can play at home. Sometimes it's referred to as a tabletop escape room game. At-home escape room games are a newer twist on the escape room concept that's been taking off in recent years. This is largely due to eight big advantages at-home escape room games have over traditional escape rooms.  But first, what is an escape room? Imagine you and a group of friends...

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